Tuesday, January 27, 2009

74 to -10 in 4 hours flat.....

We are back and what a wonderful 5 days of warming the bones, readjusting, healing and planning. It was an average of 74 there and it was quite the wakeup call to come back to -10 and then -40 wind chill. Why do I live here?????
We shared lovely meals, lovely time on the beach, lovely conversation and a whole heap of introspect which was much needed.

Recall this picture:

This was my prior post which was an image that came from the site and this image came directly from my Blackberry which means that I got to stand in front of it and what a gorgeous sight it was.

Here is also a pic that we took of the huge Zen Garden at Morikami:

This was a beautiful Japanese Garden but you can tell that there is something gone wrong with the climate here. Alot of the bamboo was in bad shape and many of the ancient Bald Cypress either dead or in great distress. The lake was down by as much as 7-10 feet and things were definitely stressed. It was sad to see.

The picture below is quite interesting with the lanterns hanging against the backdrop of the lake.

All in all it is good to be back in our own bed and we missed the girls terribly! I will be writing more on the intropection part of the trip but for now here is me and a fun moment, "I thought I ordered Cannoli?"

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